Design your 2.0 Self will draw the line between your old and new self and have you never looking back again.
You will gain tools to re-write old belief patters, instil new, strong habits, create new behaviours for yourself, radically improve your confidence and self-love.

You will learn how to go for what you want, and how to step away from what you do not want. How to bring into your life the experiences and people you want, how to stand up for yourself and set proper boundaries and transform your relationships.

You will become a determined person of action, who does what they say, and you will create a brand new reputation for you new self.



Cutting the old ties to your old life, making room for the new

In this week we take all the steps to say good bye to the old self to make way for the new. We look into all the things that are holding you back from taking action on the things you want. Beliefs, self talk, thought patterns, behaviours, habits, relationships, how you treat yourself and your internal working model on how you view the world and relationships.

Even things that have served you in the past that no longer do will need to go. We will open it all up and identify what can stay and what can go. This week is a week of spring cleaning and getting ruthless. In order for the next few weeks to be effective, the old must go. 


Finding who you are and who you want to be

In this module we get clear on what we want out of life and from our selves in all areas. External things such as achievements and goals and also internal things. Who do you want to be? What do you want your reputation to be? How to change behaviours, character traits, what you identify with and believe for yourself to be true. 

This module is where you get to be specific on what you want, and begin to create a clear image of what that looks like internally and externally for you. 


Becoming a gun at self-Love, Confidence and backing yourself

In week 3 we cover all the different ways you can work on self love, including backing yourself, being assertive, gaining confidence, getting rid of self doubt, teaching others how to treat you, finding your worth and feeling truly valuable and genuinely adoring who you are and what you have to offer.

After this module you will have a huge set of tools to improve your relationship with yourself every single day, and using these tools will help you achieve what you want in every other area of your life including relationships, career, abilities and health. 


Habits, rituals and becoming a person of action

Week 4 will get you to finally put aside all the behaviours that have stopped you from doing what you want. We break down procrastination, fears that have held you back (fear of judgement, letting someone down, not being good enough). We understand why it is that we give up at the half-way mark of so many goals and how to restructure our goals so that doesn’t happen again. 

You will learn how to approach any task and get it done no matter how much you have avoided it in the past. This is where you will begin to lay down proper habits and rituals and learn tools to get through any and every task and start to tick things off your list. You will finally become a person of action, not reaction. 


Finding your power, your control and your influence

Week 5 is heavily focused on self control and the mindset around controlling yourself so you do not feel controlled by external circumstances your whole life. You will learn how to read yourself better and maximise your abilities every day (even on days when motivation is low). We will discuss how you mentally approach difficult moments and tasks, and how to respond best to what comes your way. 

You will become more disciplined, and able to stick to your word, and this level of self control will give you the freedom to have the things you have always thought about or talked about. It is finally being done. 


Hit the ground running and become a creator of your own reality.

The final week where we put everything together and learn how to make change lasting, and not feel the need to go back. You will learn how to reach your point of no return and what that will look like. What does it truly mean to step into the new you and away from the old. How to truly be accountable for your life and take ownership of everything you do. 

We will be covering ways of getting yourself to understand how to live now so what you want shows up for your future self, and we will piece together everything you have done in the last six weeks to feel confident that you can now hit the ground running as your 2.0 self. 

One time

Draw the line between your old and new self and have you never looking back again. You will gain tools to re-write old belief patters, instil new, strong habits, create new behaviours for yourself, radically improve your confidence and self-love.

✓ 7 hours of video content
✓ Extensive weekly homework sheets
✓ Morning and evening questions
✓ Weekly Meditations
✓ Lifetime access to the closed Facebook group

Get to know Alexis Fernandez

Alexis is not your average self development podcast host. She doesn’t beat around the bush or butter listeners up with feel-good mantras. She uses her background in Neuroscience and brain health as a jumping board to teach he audience how to improve their self-perception and view of the world through physical and mental alignment. Alexis invites listeners to examine the small daily habits unconsciously ingrained into waking lives in order to better understand the reasons why we do the things that we do—and to pinpoint why some of those habits don't serve us.

Alexis shares practical advice backed by science so listeners can learn to give less of a f*** about feelings of inadequacy by prioritizing healthy habits. She believes that when you work on your relationship with yourself, it is easier to work on your other relationships, your drive and ambition, your purpose and career. She is the host of the Do You F*cking Mind podcast, combining neuroscience, psychology, and tough love into one.



  • You will have lifetime access to the course content and ongoing access to the FB closed group page with fortnightly Lives and all saved Q+A Videos on the FB page.

  • Yes, you can pay upfront or split 12 payments over 12 months.

  • This course is designed to be done one module per week, and not rushed so as to give you adequate time to work through the homework sheet and let all the information sink in. However you will have access to the course content when you sign up. However I would rather you do it slower rather than faster so you get the maximum effects from this course.

    You can repeat this content whenever you like and as many times as you like.

  • There will be a FB live every second week (fortnightly) and I will be answering all your questions. If you would like a question answered but won't be able to make it LIVE, you can ask it in the FB group and I will aim to get through as many questions each Q+A. These videos will stay on the group to re-visit at any time.

  • The video content is around 60-90 minutes each week. And it would roughly take 2 hours to properly go over the homework content, which can be spread out through the week. There are also morning and evening questions to ask yourself (which change each week) and a different ten minute meditation to focus on each week.

  • This course is aimed at improving your relationship with yourself in order to improve every single area of your life. It is designed to allow you to live the life you chose, and gives you tools on how to get there.

    How to change what you believe you are capable of doing or deserving of having, how to make goals more realistic and actionable, how to become more assertive and confident, improve your self love, discipline and drive and to learn to prioritise yourself and what you value the most. I will teach you how to truly love yourself and how to re-define your identity and self worth.